Why storytelling matters

For our inaugural post, we thought we’d start at the very beginning, a very good place to start...with a story.

From “Once upon a time” to “Let there be light”, stories are all around us. There are the ones that are passed down for generations, the ones we tell ourselves, and the ones we absorb through culture.

But storytelling is more than just good fun and entertainment, it is a basic survival tool and a fundamental way we make sense of the world. Stories can teach us the importance of sharing and help us navigate the heartbreak of grief. They can inspire us to travel the world or to get serious about investing our money.

Stories are also powerful mediums for communicating your brand’s message. In crowded online spaces, telling your story in a meaningful way can help you stand out, build credibility, and move your clients to action.

Let’s dig into why storytelling is such an effective form of communication.


You've heard it before: humans are hardwired for stories. It's tied to our survival. Think about it: if we hear how John died eating the pointy-leaved bush, then we will probably remember to avoid said bush ourselves. Research backs this up.

A study from the London School of Business shows that people remember 65-70% of information shared in story form vs. only 5-10% of information presented as a statistic. That means, if you're looking to stand out, your story is a great place to start.


Whether you're telling the story of how you put yourself through law school or sharing how you helped a client double their website traffic, each story you tell is an opportunity to build trust. By showcasing your skills, values, work ethic, and more, you offer your clients proof of what you can do and how you do it. When these stories also connect back to your *why*, you build a cohesive, and impactful picture of you and your business.


Maya Angelou famously said, "I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

By tapping into the emotional core of a story, we can move people — to support a cause, follow a page, or make a purchase. In fact, Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman posits that 95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious. So, it's not just about what you say, but also what emotions you're evoking through what you say.

So, tell us, what's the best story you've heard lately?