Es Content Creative Logo

Crafting narratives that
move hearts and inspire action.

      Scroll-stopPing Storytelling     /
     Brand messaging & Voice     /
      Website copy      /
     BlOg Content       /
       Scroll-Stopping Storytelling       /
      Captivating Photography       /
      Dreamy Social Media       /

It’s time to hone your voice,
clarify your message, and propel
your brand forward with
copy that does the heavy lifting

(AKA: Reels in those clients and sales so you can spend more time doing the things that light you up.)

Hi there!

We're a boutique copywriting studio

for creative & conscious brands

At ES Content Creative, we are passionate about helping companies connect with their audiences through compelling, genuine, and elegant storytelling — and we've been doing so for over a decade. We are for the creative and conscious types, the ones that move with intention and leave the world a little more beautiful than they found it.


Brand Starter Pack

Everything you need to launch your brand in one handy bundle. We'll get to the heart of your brand objectives, target audience, key messages, voice and tone, and you'll walk away with brand messaging and voice guidelines and six pages of custom website copy.


The Brand  Day

Have a few copy tasks that just seem to never get checked off your to-do list? Let one of ours join your team for a day to help you finally tackle whatever needs tackling. You’ll work closely with us for one full day and have your final deliverables in your inbox by the end of the week.



Looking for a comms guru in your corner? Simply out of capacity and need an extra set of typing hands that write like one of your own? Our monthly retainers are here to help. We will agree on a set number of deliverables per month that can help you reach all of your communications objectives.


Our Latest Projects

Client Case Studies

Or maybe words aren’t your problem, but honestly, who has the time to create content between the other 213,479 tasks on your to-do list?

Not to worry, this is the part where we come in and rescue you from your half-finished Google docs.

At ES Content Creative, we ask the right questions to quickly get to the bottom of your brand and the heart of your brand story. We help you nail down all those ideas floating around in your head (and in your Notes app) and weave them into messaging and narratives that your audience sees themselves in. The kind that makes them feel seen and inspires them to take action — actions like following your account or purchasing your product — actions that carry your brand and mission forward.

Let's get to the bottom of your brand and the heart of your story

You’ve poured your heart and soul into building your brand — and it shows.

The clients are coming in, momentum is building, and you have about a million ideas for how to take it all to the next level.

You know you’re onto something truly obsession-worthy, but finding the words that encapsulate all that — and hum in the hearts and minds of your audience — well, that’s where things get tricky.

We help you tap into the power of your story, because it’s the stories that move us…

It was clearly a gorgeous dress, but knowing that it was handwoven by artisans who are getting paid fairly for their work gave you the extra push to put it in your cart.
You knew she was a skilled designer, but it was they way she talked about creating a life of freedom and adventure through design that made you knew she'd just get it.
There are a ton of bronzers out there that could help you look flush, but the way this brand transports you to the South of France in its storytelling is what secretly conspired to make you hit "buy."

A product or service is just any product or service until you know the stories behind them.

Discover our stories

Our blog is our playground and safe space where we share writing and storytelling tips, exclusive interviews with founders, and more!

      Chic Branding      /
      Captivating Photography       /
      Dreamy Social Media       /
      Chic Branding      /
      Captivating Photography       /
      Dreamy Social Media       /

Our audience feels connected to us and we managed to build trust within the well-being space with the carefully curated words by ES Content Creative.

It's been truly magical. Elizabeth requires very little briefing to understand the assignment. A self-starter who has a deep understanding of our needs, even the ones we struggle to express. The copy in our magazine and on our website is very compelling and human. Also, Elizabeth is always happy to think along strategically about new content ideas and opportunities for our business.

Selma Lemsaadi, Heal Magazine